It’s a book about creating choice.

It’s about answering challenging questions, facing cold hard truths, getting gritty and changing your story.

What if you simply decided to change your story?

You have a choice.

You can change.

And here’s the thing, you don’t have to change the world.

All you need to change is you.

You could continue to believe that the problems are everyone else, that changing is impossible and that this couldn’t possibly work for you.

Or you could decide to trust us.

Some of this may be hard to hear. Some of the questions will be challenging and sometimes it will feel like we are saying it’s all your fault. And some of that is true. But then you always knew that it was possible to change, it’s why you’re interested in this book.

Decide it’s time to choose.

Decide it’s time to get gritty.

Decide to change your story.