How to coach yourself

How to coach yourself

If you’ve read my blog, “What is coaching”, you’ll already know that coaching is about answering questions. As a coach, I ask you questions that will help you gain new insight into whatever is going on for you. It’s not about me telling you what I think you should do, or what I would do if I was in your position, it’s helping you to sort through your own thoughts and working out what path you want to take.

What if you had the motivation?

What if you had the motivation?

Are you putting things off, waiting for motivation to strike?
Where does motivation come from and why does it wear off?

I was once told that motivation is a door that is locked from the inside. In other words, only you can unlock it. No-one else can motivate you. All that other people can do is help create an environment where you can motivate yourself. So how can you find the key?